miércoles, 11 de abril de 2007

Effed up in Lilbutmuchhe-3

If you raise your eyes to the sky, let your cares drift into space -this step is really important-, and scrutinize the Universe as if to grasp every bit of it as tightly as you possibly can, you may be able to see the tiniest and furthest planet. That would be Lilbutmuchhe-3, from the A55 Nebula.

This Lilbutmuchhe-3, unlike the other sixty-eight Lilbutmuchhes, was inhabited by rather civilized people. Although there was a question the people of Lilbutmuchhe-3 disagreed on, that divided the planet in two. Each side had their beliefs which, coincidentally enough, were pretty much the same, with almost the sole difference of the word big replaced by the word flat and viceversa. They agreed on the object of worship, both of them ran and constructed their lives around the Assedness. Only, one half enhanced flat assedness while the other did the same for fat assedness. So you see, they cared about the same issue, only they looked at it differently. This was a quite delicate matter, to say the least, that created a rivalry between the two assed urban tribes.

It even leaked out to the spoken word. For instance, a flat butted could use a very popular tiny-assed excuse like: "I ran into big butted problems"; whilst fat-assed propaganda went on with slogans like: "The Assedness Likes Big Butts And So It Gave Me One" or slightly less popular and grandly more radical "Lose Your Ass And Lose Your Life".

And if the Big Butts and the Flat Butts were the Montescos and Capuletos of Lilbutmuchhe-3, Thipa & Klapt would have to be the Romeo and Juliet of Lilbutmuchhe-3. Or the other way around. Perhaps they were both Juliet. Or maybe Romeos... You never know with these lilbutmuchhers. However it may be, despite their assed differences, they fell in love. And in their lovey-dovey blindness decided they could show the world how beautiful and funny life is, no matter the size of your butt.

But they effed up, because the people of Lilbutmuchhe-3 was not ready to accept their love, and they didn't handle it very well either. Despite their efforts to normalize the situation, comments like "Thipa's butt's not really that big, but you wouldn't know by the way Thipa uses it" were not well received and eventually they were stoned to death.